"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." ~Scott Adams

Monday, November 22, 2010

Must Own Music: Coultrain's "While She Was Sleeping"

There are some artistic endeavors which make me appreciate the sanction-free format of The Best You Never Heard of. I can take my time, receive the creative gift being offered and (hopefully) present the true beauty and integrity of the artist’s project so that you, too, will be eager to receive that gift. I admittedly have not been so moved for a minute, but suddenly- independently gift wrapped and humbly hand delivered at a recent ‘We Love Soul’ event at Chicago’s Darkroom- came Coultrain’s “While She Was Sleeping”. A moment, please, for me to properly reflect on this latest muse...


“While She Was Sleeping” is the latest musical mile marker in the Adventures of Seymour Liberty, Coultrain’s alter ego moniker and the title for the St. Louis native’s 2008 full length indie release. Marrying the performer’s rich, throw back vocals and skillfully penned poetry with DJ Limelight’s carefully constructed blends, “While She Was Sleeping” is a soulful mélange of music from past projects, designed to give listeners an ample sample of what Coultrain’s sound is all about. This must-own mix-tape consists of 17 tracks with subject matter that runs the gamut from affectionate (“Love…Meaning”, “Green”) to introspective (“Playin’ Catch Up”, “The Wanderer”). Even the more courtship driven tracks are too cashmere cool to be sappy sweet. For those of you who join me in standing unashamedly outside of the traditional soul box looking in, you will be pleased to know that this entire project is groove heavy, so no simple, soft ballad curve balls to skip past. Another moment…and a toast, please…to filler-free projects!

At the heart of it all rests my reverence for Coultrain, not just as an artist, but as a lover of art, including (apparently) antiquities because seriously…NO ONE is writing songs like this anymore. His lyrics tell stories with elements so imaginative that they seem ready for stage or screen accompaniment. Flat out: if Coultrain rhymed on the mic, he would be in a class amongst the very best rewind emcees. Peruse the lyrics for his songs at http://seymourliberty.tumblr.com/ and see for yourself. His descript wording, accompanied by vivid, timeless images not only make it easy to get lost in the allure of his work, but to empathize. Check out this verse from his song “1st Steps”, also found on his previous mix-tape, GodMustBeABoogieMan:

I used 2 think my prayers went unanswered,
cuz I couldn’t find a way 2 decipher
between my wants & needs,
all the while I could feel my light dimming,
like a flawless diamond
still trapped inside the coal, black & bold,
my soul is growin’ old,
but adventure stubbornly calls my name,
its different but the same,
ain’t it all significant?…

I wanna see a lighter in the air from anyone who has ever felt themselves to be on the verge of grasping ANYTHING elusive. Lyrics like this are what make Coultrain that dude for me.

I would be remiss if I didn’t say that Coultrain’s appeal does not simply rest with him being a gifted word-smith or possessing a decadent voice; the plus is in the presentation. Indie artists…take NOTE:

I received the cleverly packaged merchandise set which consists of one Coultrain t-shirt, the “While She Was Sleeping” mix-tape, a digital download card for additional music and an autograph, for $20. His manager was hard at work MOVING THAT MERCHANDISE, not moving through the room convinced of his own omnipotence. Coultrain wasn’t putting the finishing touches on his disc with a Sharpie at the venue before asking for my hard earned dollars to purchase said disc (Yes…it was professionally PRE-PACKAGED). The band (even with stand-in members) knew the music before hitting the stage. My point is, even as an indie artist, he put his best professional foot forward. In these lean, mean times it can be difficult to get folks to come out of their pocket for a show, and as for merchandise…fuhgetaboutit! Coultrain’s name may be drifting in the air amidst indie soul/hip-hop circles for now, but if the dedication I witnessed is any indication of Mr. Seymour Liberty’s forthcoming endeavors, I look forward to seeing the potency his name will develop in the next stages of his journey.

Stay tuned as the adventure continues…

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